It was my birthday last week for anyone who does not know me, and for my birthday Christine bought me an electric screwdriver and her sister got me a wheelbarrow, so next year it will be a Dyson for Christine's birthday and a toster for Chatherine!! However, joking apart I have used them both already and will be a great help during the extention. but it just goes to show that once you start something like this it is all everyone accociates you with but never mind.
Today I started to dig away at the old patio to get the true level of the ground for the foundations and also to see if any thing would crop up and low and behold it did.
As you can see I have found a new manhole. I have not got a clue where this collects water from as I have tried all the outlets in the back garden and nothing runs into it. So more investigation will be needed. but I am sure this will also cost more money as it will need to be re located, I have read on some one else's blog that this could cost £2k to be done!! I can not believe how easy it will be to spend money on this extension (outwith Chrisine's ability to buy the most expensive item in the shop) but £2k to make a hole and I have got to do it twice!! (There goes the kitchen).
Still half the patio to dig up and then I will have to break up the concreate slab that the Lean-to was on so I am sure that there will still be more skips to come.
When I came across the manhole issue I have been thinking about how when you watch of the property programs on TV and they talk about budget and time lines. People alway manage to over run both and the presenter makes a fool of them. I have decided that that will not happen to me so for any presenters out there,
It will cost what is costs
Time frame
It will take as long as it takes
So from now on I will always be on Budget and on time, less pressure!!!

Picture of manhole

And again

And some trees I have cut down
1 comment:
I was hoping you were going to find some treasure.
Well you cant take longer than our bathroom. The tile guy might be coming next Monday:-}
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