Sunday, 1 June 2008

Catching Up

Sorry I have not up dated that much lately however I have been away on holiday.

As you can see from the pictures I uploaded before I went work has started on the extension. The builder have been and dug all the rear foundations and finally poured the concrete on Tuesday, see picture below

They started on Mon 12th May the day we got clearance from Thames water which ment we could actually do the foundation!! Work I think has been quite slow as this has taken so long however everything has been dug by hand due to poor digger access and also rain rain and even more rain. It would seem that every day the guys came to dig it rained!!

However, the house is beginning to look more and more like a building site every day,

The foundation for the new garage foundation has been dug and will be poured tomorrow (I hope) here is the foundation they have dug,

Water and all!!

Whilst the builders have been digging I have been trying to get the spare bedroom finished so we can move all our living room stuff into the spare room and live out of there as a living room as I knock wall between the living room and dining room as we plan to move this wall back 1m to extend the size of the living room. This will, I am sure, be fun as I have never done anything like this before!!

Have a look at the pictures I have taken of the spare room, all we need to do now is a bit of painting and it will be ready to move the living room upstairs.

Before I plastered the hole in the ceiling I had to get the building control officer to sign off my gallow brackets and new flooring joists which he did on Friday when he was looking at the foundations. Finally a picture of our bedroom wall with the skirting on and painted, no need for the pollyfiller thankfully!!.
That's all for now
Garry & Christine

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